Welcome Letter
July 19th and 20th
At UCLA and online
No limits on numbers who can attend. No limits on where you are when you attend. No limits on how much or little of the conference you attend. No limits on needing money to attend! Our conference title is NO LIMITS, and we mean it! This is the year that UCCSC Goes Green and Saves Green with a unique hybrid of a live conference and a virtual conference.
Day 1 (Monday, July 19) is a Come One, Come All LIVE conference here at UCLA. We will focus the day’s activities on those that are most valuable in a live, interactive setting, including open social events, interactive panel discussions, BOFs, campus updates, and the Sautter Awards. And while we hope many people will join us live and in person, we will also accommodate those who wish to attend Monday’s sessions virtually by UStreaming the panels and awards, providing conference phones or Skype capabilities for the BOFs, and putting all the campus updates online. As people are arriving, we’ll provide continental breakfast and a room to visit, catch-up, plan your sessions, and make new friends. At the end of the day, as people get ready to head for the 405 Freeway or LAX, we’ll host a full-blown Ice Cream Social where you can plan your chat groups for Tuesday, compare notes on the day, and say your good-byes.
Day 2 (Tuesday, July 20) will be virtual, but with options (remember: NO LIMITS). UCLA will host the keynote speaker and many of the speakers for the remainder of the seminar. We hope to encourage lots of people from the other campuses and labs to give presentations.
At UCLA, we will have at least one room with the ability to project presentations to other UCs - and beyond - reserved for speakers and a live audience. We will also have two or three rooms where people can come and watch presentations from other campuses. We hope that the other campuses can make similar arrangements, but it’s not essential.
Participants will have the option of attending presentations from group rooms at many UC campuses, from their own desks or local space, or even by staying in Los Angeles and attending sessions at UCLA.
Speakers will have the option of presenting from rooms with live audiences at their own campuses, from their desks, or from a local conference room. And participants will also have the choice of staying in Los Angeles and making their presentations at UCLA. Each campus can determine how many rooms and what resources they will make available for speakers and participants. That information will be posted on this website when available.
Because people can attend from anywhere, we hope to be able to include people who have no travel budgets, people who are only interested in one or two presentations, and people who can’t get away for a full conference.
Note: People who choose to stay in Los Angeles must make all of their own travel / accommodation arrangements.