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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is UCCSC?
  2. How did UCCSC get started?
  3. Where and when have past UCCSCs been held?
  4. Who attends UCCSC?
  5. What types of presentations have been made at UCCSC?
  6. What can I expect to learn at UCCSC?
  7. How can I subscribe to the official UCCSC listserv?
  8. How can I contact the UCLA team hosting this year's conference?
  9. What is the theme for this year?
  10. What were some of the themes at previous UCCSCs?
  11. How much does the conference cost?


1. What is UCCSC?

UCCSC stands for "University of California Computing Services Conference."

Begun as a grass roots effort by UC campuses to share knowledge and information, computing professionals from the UC campuses (and others for whom technology constitutes a significant portion of their daily activities) have met each summer since 1982 to discuss common issues associated with providing and supporting information technology services at the University of California.

Each summer a different UC campus hosts UCCSC.


2. How did UCCSC get started?

The first "conference" was at UC Santa Cruz in 1982. It was hosted by Jim Mulherin, a consultant who suggested that UCSC find out what other UC campuses were doing with respect to academic software. The focus was strictly on academic software and it was held in a conference room on campus. Twenty-one people attended.


3. Where and when have past UCCSCs been held?

  • 2002 - Berkeley
  • 2001 - Los Angeles
  • 2000 - Davis
  • 1999 - Santa Barbara
  • 1998 - Santa Cruz
  • 1997 - San Diego
  • 1996 - San Francisco
  • 1995 - Riverside
  • 1994 - Berkeley
  • 1993 - Irvine
  • 1992 - Davis
  • 1991 - Los Angeles
  • 1990 - Santa Cruz
  • 1989 - Santa Barbara

4. Who attends UCCSC?

Each year, UCCSC draws approximately between 200 and 300 computing professionals (and others with a variety of job titles and/or appointments for whom technology plays a significant role in their daily activities) from across the University of California.

Participants include technical support staff, system administrators, unit directors and managers, librarians, information security experts, and others.


5. What types of presentations have been made at UCCSC?

Topics range from campus technical issues and projects to organizational and policy issues. Below is a sampling of past topics:

  • UC-Wide Datacenter Colocation Services at UC San Diego
  • IT Security Policy Compliance and Auditing at UC Davis
  • Scientific Computing in the Cloud
  • Getting Started with Moodle: Lessons learned at UC San Francisco in the first year of implementation
  • UCSB's Web-Based Systems and Network Management for the Helpdesk
  • Electronic Exam Return: save time, space, and money
  • DLs, LITS and Global Desktop - Managing Client Relations @ UC Santa Cruz
  • Credential Stealing Attacks – A case study of a recent major international incident
  • The UC Berkeley Calendar Network: Development of a Campuswide Event Calendar
  • Designing Accessible Web Sites
  • Legal2Share – Fostering an Innovative Marketplace for Online Entertainment Services
  • Online Class Evaluations
  • QuickTemp - "An IT Innovation for Managing a Temporary Staffing Process"
  • Panel Session on Scientific Cluster Management
  • Interoperability and UC's New Image Service
  • UCR Smart Classrooms
  • Current Identity Management Initiatives at UC & Beyond: UCTrust
  • UC Davis Vulnerability Scanning and Remediation
  • UCLA’s Shibboleth Plan
  • UC Irvine's New Anti-Spam Measures


6. What can I expect to learn at UCCSC?

Aside from the subject matter discussed in the seminars, you will learn what other people are doing at other campuses in IT. You will have opportunities to network with people from other campuses who do the same thing as you, enriching your understanding of how things operate UC-wide.


7. How can I subscribe to the official UCCSC listserv?

Fill out the subscription form at

8. How can I contact the UCLA team hosting this year's conference?

Send email to

9. What is the theme for this year?

NO LIMITS! UCCSC Goes Green and Saves Green! This year, UCLA presents a unique hybrid of a live conference and a virtual conference. You can attend from anywhere, even your own office on your own campus, if you wish. There's no registration limit. And you can attend as much or as little of the conference as you want. Those features brought us to the theme of No Limits. We are also hoping that people will carpool, take shuttles from the airport, attend from home or their desks at work, spend only as much time in sessions as is truly worthwhile, and find everything they need for the conference online… all of which will make this conference leave a smaller, greener footprint while ensuring that we all save money on travel, hotels, time away from work, paper, and administrative conference support.

Presentation topics can cover anything that is relevant to your organization, campus, or project, but we will also highlight sessions that focus on “Green IT,” remote/virtual computing, and cost-saving ideas for campus computing. Our keynote speaker, Assoc. Professor Tim Groeling from UCLA’s Communication Studies department, will use these very topics in his address Tuesday morning.


10. What were some of the themes at previous UCCSCs?

  • 2009 - Focus on Security
  • 2008 - Now UC IT...
  • 2007 - Celebrating 25 Years of Technology Excellence
  • 2006 - Imagine What's Next
  • 2005 - Getting IT Done. Getting IT Right. Getting IT Done Right.
  • 2004 - Fast Forward: UC IT 2010
  • 2003 - Threads in the Academic Fabric
  • 2002 - Improving Life Through Technology
  • 2001 - Universal Access: Anytime, Anywhere
  • 2000 - Portal to the Future
  • 1997 - Connections
  • 1995 - Preparing the Inn Along the Information Super-Highway
  • 1994 - Building Quality Computer Services
  • 1993 - Using Networking and the Network to Create Less Net Work
  • 1992 - How Do We Leverage Our Diversity?
  • 1991 - Computing Sourcebook Instead of Annual Reports

11. How much does the conference cost?

There is NO registration fee this year! You will be responsible for travel costs if you choose to come to Los Angeles to attend some part of the conference in person. If you choose to stay overnight, you will have lodging costs as well. Continental Breakfast and a Box Lunch will be provided on Day One for in-person attendees. Meals on Day Two are on your own. There will not be any formal dinner events but there will be an Ice Cream Social!