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Cascade Web CMS Birds-of-a-Feather Session

UC Davis will host and moderate and on-line Birds-of-a-Feather session for UC users of the Cascade Web CMS. We will be using Adobe Connect Pro to run this online session. All you need to participate is a Web browser on a speaker/headphone equipped computer. Even better if you have a mic. We will start at 12:45 to give folks a chance to grab some food and get their systems fired up. Officially, the session will run for an hour (until 1:45) to give folks physically at UCCSC a chance to get to their 2 pm sessions. But if interest warrants, we will keep the session open longer.

Basic agenda (so you can be prepared):

We'd like everyone to introduce themselves by providing their:

 *   Name
 *   Campus/unit
 *   How they are involved with their campus Cascade project
 *   Expertise (content editor, site admin, Cascade admin, Cascade programmer)

If you have a mic, you should be able to just do this verbally. If no mic (or things go awry), please just have this information ready as text and be prepared to paste it into the chat box in Adobe Connect Pro.

We ask everyone to complete some quick on line polls on how you use Cascade, including number of users, number of sites, how much control is given to clients over their site, how you train, your Cascade coding environment, the version of Cascade you are using. Again, just a heads up, so the polling part will take as little time as possible.

Then we'll have a free form discussion about how we can continue to collaborate in the future.

Finally, Jason Aller will provide some technical tips and make some interesting resources available for you to download from the session.

So, how do you participate? Easy!

Name:    UCCSC Cascade Birds-Of-A-Feather
Summary:    Provide an opportunity for Cascade Server system and site administrators at UC campuses/units to share ideas and tips on their use of the Cascade Server Web CMS product. We can also discuss how best to collaborate in the future.
Hosts:     Jason Aller, UC Davis School of Law
                Rick Hill, University Communications, UC Davis
When:    Monday, July 19,2010 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM PST